Sunday, 28 March 2010

The Spread Lung Cancer In Adrenal Glands

 When cancer is diagnosed, to one - fourth of the deaths from lung cancer can get any symptoms. Usually these cancers have been identified by chance when a touch on his chest - Ray invalid for some reason more.

 Lung cancer can spread or disturb the local and adjacent tissues for the purpose of the emergence of the lung cavity, and the layers on the emotion, or equivalent to move to remote locations or in local lymph nodes, bone, liver, brain or the opposite lung. Other bodies on lung cancer tends to spread are the adrenal glands, which are developed by large glands and kidneys that produce hormones are rare.

 More of the tumor of the adrenal gland tumor is a nice reality domain called adrenal adenoma. Print a gap of two patients, and these tumors than ever accompany the generous tolerance of symptoms, and do not require members to be treated. They are usually started when the tolerance is through X-ray (or whip) examined the body from the class of ugly, and there are sometimes called "coincidence".

 Install a more general predominance of malignant adrenal gland tumors that are arising from the cancer cells that metastasize to other areas to keep the body in the adrenal gland at the point of wine jets. Some types of cancer are likely to extend to the adrenal glands of severe recurrent malignant tumors, lung cancer and breast cancer.

 Nan guidance, if the cancer cells from a crack original tumor, the end of the week, and grow within other parts of the body - similar to the brain, liver, lung, bone, and vice versa adrenal glands, or lymph nodes in the chest or collarbone (clavicle) in the territories - and the result is that it recognizes metastases .

 Symptoms of lung tumors spread based on the location and size. About 30% - 40% of fatal lung cancer have a number of symptoms or signs of the disease spreading. Metastatic lung cancer area often gland produces no symptoms for the diagnosis was more active.

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