Monday, 22 March 2010

Classification of Lung Cancer

 Most lung cancers are called "cancer, tumors that are caused by self-cloning of epithelial cells, which are the cells lining the surface, and the formation of most organs of society and the internal structures. Experts on two major types of cancer are classified according to the size and breadth of cancerous cells.

 Biopsy of a document (which eliminates the part of the suspected cancerous tissue), a practice lab, and said he confessed because of "pathological" set a biopsy sample under the microscope, and able to resort to arbitration if the cancer is and if not contemporary - or monkey cells cancer cells to light. Previous accounts of the majority of lung cancer cases (80%), but none of the classification is granted, is characterized by the distinctive treatment is more convincing in the treatment of a type of shock (note that other highly qualified classifications, but these are the two above).

 No - there are no cases of lung cancer poor (NSCLC) who are themselves classified into three types unsimilar more treatments, despite identical treatment applies to each of them:

 Squamous cell lung cancer;

 Adenokarsinoma, and

 Large cell lung cancer.

 Squamous cell cancer of the lung occurs on the property field for all lung cancer patients, and located near several times in the central bronchi, and this is the airway to the lungs that leads to the main themselves. Fortunately, these cancers are driving slowly and produce less.

 Adenokarsinoma weight occurs approximately 40% of patients and the character starts in the lung tissue and more closely linked to the boil, but if not thousands - of smokers, and model of the disease. If the discrimination is masculine or feminine is to maintain the existence or non-smoking settled ways of making it subordinate to the treatment are combined.

 The grip of a small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is less colloquial and generally displays the contacts of the airways large (towns ""), but the future is less common, unfortunately, and added much more intense. This time gives the skeleton of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, but influenced countless number of patients so far have been diagnosed when the cancer has spread in many cases (or transferred) to other parts of the body. The prognosis of those is through the frequently very low and the genius of lung cancer associated with smoking are very common.

 No specific cancer has a personal and friendly, which is vital given the diagnosis of such pressure is already possible alignment to maximize the chances of a result is not unambiguous. Diagnosis and classification of cancers is the first stage is the delivery of energy treatment of patients, because of the speed through the lung cancer was diagnosed in ten result was "in stages". Staging is the mechanism that the degree of cancer spread and the size reached; crack carried out in four stages, and I wrapped the fourth, with the first phase and the fourth is the worst assessment of transcendental. Staging is important to only affect the treatment system to be delivered and Hardy and classification of types of cancer.

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